You can remember what your childhood bedroom is like, right? That is your imagination doing that. You know the sound that your feet make when you walk across gravel don’t you? You can imagine it, but you are not hearing it in your ears, are you? Just imagine these things as best as you can. Failing that, pretend that you are imagining them and that will do the trick. So, as you imagine walking along the path of your life, notice that every step forwards is a minute, an hour or a day into your future. If you look back, you will notice that your past is there; everything you have ever done or experienced is behind you.
Become aware of the temperature, the sights, the sounds and enjoy walking along the path of your life. Make it sensory rich and get comfortable with the idea. Imagine the feeling of your feet walking along the path and the sound they make. Engage with the idea of really being there. Step Three: Imagine that a few more steps ahead there is a place where the path splits, where is goes off to the left and off to the right. Pause here for a few moments and have a think. Here, there are two different pathways, two possibilities, two ways that you could choose to go. If you were to choose the path to the left, life is pretty much the same as it is. You carry on doing the same things, living the same way and dealing with this thing in the same way as you have been doing. If you were choose the path to the right, the right path, there are new possibilities, achievement, freedom of mind, positive and progressive implications. Think about that as you stand at this place where the path splits. You want to make a decision and commit to one of these paths. Before you make that decision, we are going to see what each path holds for your future.
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